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About Me

I like math, teaching, and coffee.

I am a former Lecturer in the School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at Clemson University in South Carolina. I love sharing my enjoyment of mathematics with others and making it a more accessible subject for students, as math is all around us and can be a valuable tool to understand the world in which we live. Though no longer actively teaching, I remain an advocate for undergraduate students and mathematics education and am exploring ways to continue supporting students in their college journeys.

I graduated from Clemson University in May 2020 with my master's degree in Mathematical Sciences. Prior to graduate school, I attended Campbell University in North Carolina (Go Camels!), where I earned my bachelor's degree in Mathematics. When I'm not working, these days you can usually find me on a hike with my fiancé, caring for my growing collection of succulents, trying my hand at pasta-making, or curled up with a good book and a large mug of coffee.

I will begin a new role as a Technical Trainer for Epic Systems in Fall 2022 and look forward to the adventures ahead!